Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Few Pictures I Wanted to Share

First Big Girl bath!

Having SO much fun splashing Mama!

Tummy Time


Smiling after a few bites of cereal!

Monday, October 25, 2010

4 months old!

Just wanted to give everyone a little update since we took Emma Kate to the doctor today for her four month check-up. She now weighs 12 pounds and is 25 inches long! Two months ago she was 9.9 lbs and 23 inches so she is growing fast! The doctor said she looked perfect! She was looking around and talking to the nurse the whole time. She LOVES the way the paper on the table makes noise when she moves so until she got her shots, she was so happy. She even did good with those too though. We will start her on rice cereal tomorrow and then in a couple of weeks start introducing vegetables! So I'm sure there will be lots of funny pictures to post soon!
Last week, she had her first "big girl bath" without  the infant sling in the bathtub, just the seat to keep her from sliding. She actually got to sit down in the water and splash around with her legs and arms. She loves it so much that I ended up getting a pretty good shower too! I had to refill the bathtub with warm water because she wanted to stay in there so long. It wore her out and she went straight to sleep afterwards, which looks like it will be our new nightly routine considering it will take a long bath to get these new foods off of her I'm sure!

I will post pictures of the bath soon!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here are just a few of my favorite pictures we have taken recently!

Curly hair! This is how it looks everytime she gets out of the bathtub!

Family picture!

sooo sleepy and tired of trying on clothes!

Trying to give kisses

too sweet

She loves her daddy!

I finally decided to start a blog!

Hey everyone! I have gotten many suggestions to start a blog so people (mainly family) can keep up with Emma Kate. I barely have time to breathe between school, a baby, a husband, and two dogs, but I am going to try to do my best to update this site regularly. I know I post pictures to facebook but as Emma Kate has grown, she has started to get funnier and I have tried to video a lot of her and those will not post to facebook for some reason. So hopefully between this blog and Facebook, everyone will be able to stay caught up on how quick she is growing and all of the new things she has started to do. Here are just a few things that are going on with us right now!
Emma Kate has turned into a rollie pollie that can only roll from her back to her stomach. She gets stuck and does not particularly like being on her stomach so we are constantly having to help her flip back over only to have her do the same thing two seconds later!
She has started showing so much of her personality and loves to smile! We are so blessed to have such a happy baby!
She has escalated from a few gurgling sounds to loud "hollering" that goes on all day long! She has a new sound that Andrea AKA "Andi" says makes her sound like a little owl! I will try to post some videos of these new fun things.