Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Emma Kate!

Growing up too fast

Emma Kate turned one June 21. The weekend before, we had three different parties with each side of the family. Needless to say, by the time we got back to Cleveland Sunday night, she was on sugar overload from all of the cake and cupcakes from the weekend! It was a great weekend! We are so blessed to have this sweet little girl in our lives. It seems like just a few days ago that we were bringing her home from the hospital for the first time. Time really does go by way too fast.

Even though it is sad that she is no longer a baby, we have been having so much fun with her now that she is getting older. She walks around a little but still prefers crawling since she can get places so much faster. She is drinking regular whole milk instead of formula now and says "dada" all the time! She figured out how to open our kitchen cabinets and just loves dragging everything out and playing with it.She likes to play music on her xylophone and loves to play with her daddy! She has such a strong personality and a great sense of humor that just keeps getting funnier!

Sweet Summer Time!

We are LOVING it being summer time despite the intense heat! Every chance we get we head to Clarksdale to Doodle and D's house to swim. Emma Kate is not too sure about the big swimming pool just yet but loves her little one and loves being able to lean over the side and pull grass up and put it back in the water.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Catching Up

Things have been pretty busy around our house lately! We moved into another house in Cleveland last week so we have been getting things unpacked and decorated. While we were doing this, we got a couple of cute videos of Emma Kate I wanted to share.

I'm not sure why the color is kind of messed up but in the first video she is talking to the "other baby" in the mirror and in the second one is laughing at her daddy saying "Bless you." She thinks it is hilarious when he says that!